

auraborus said...


Anonymous said...

Ó meu amor...só um desnaturado como eu absorvido pela sociedade da educação deixaria um comentário tão tardio em todos os sentidos...embora sejam todos esses e muitos outros que me façam cada vez mais dizer...«quero mais»...simplesmente genial!...e muito mais...beijinho do teu sempre amigo VERM...

Anonymous said...

Deixo mais um post...zinho...como eu!


Se achares por bem...publica...meu anjo!


auraborus said...

Muito obrigada pelo sentimento e palavras, nem imaginas o quanto me fazem bem :)
Gostei muito do teu post! se quiseres dá também uma olhadela para as minhas anteriores publicações, nos meses anteriores.
Vou colocar o teu video de Velvet no meu facebook, mas sabes que gosto mais da Nico :)
Muitos beijinhos e eternas saudades******

Is discharge Dada? No, it is not. Influenced by and with a similar attitude to, but not Dada..

Is discharge Fluxus? No, it is not. Influenced by and with a similar attitude to, but not Fluxus.

Is discharge art for intellectuals? No, discharge is for anyone and everyone who appreciates creativity in all its myriad forms. Be it static visual, audio or moving image; the written word or the deconstructed, non-linear form. The spoken word and noise.

All creativity is the springboard for discharge. It highjack’s a multitude of genres and disciplines and transposes them onto the internet. discharge is electronically transmitted art, be it via blog, myspace or whatever format possible, it can also be produced and seen in classic formats.

The discharge Chapbook. The discharge Building by Parts book. discharge has no rules. All contributors to discharge are responsible adults. discharge has no leaders although it has an elected body of rotating editors who oversee rather than dictate the flow of the group.

The aim of discharge is to profile creative people and to do away with the pretension of the art world. Everyday people creating art everyday to an exceptional quality.

Art by barrow boys and girls. discharge is international.
